all postcodes in SA48 / ABERAERON

find any address or company within the SA48 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA48 8AA 1 0 52.123827 -4.095961
SA48 8AB 8 0 52.13545 -4.102775
SA48 8AD 55 0 52.179083 -4.154332
SA48 8AE 121 7 52.180438 -4.152525
SA48 8AF 15 2 52.195879 -4.170098
SA48 8AG 7 6 52.196968 -4.169069
SA48 8AH 8 0 52.181605 -4.152142
SA48 8AJ 15 0 52.140456 -4.092284
SA48 8AL 5 1 52.119908 -4.081199
SA48 8AN 28 0 52.121902 -4.081321
SA48 8AP 3 0 52.134682 -4.087762
SA48 8AQ 6 0 52.196358 -4.15325
SA48 8AR 6 0 52.137139 -4.080044
SA48 8AS 14 0 52.139447 -4.086801
SA48 8AT 16 0 52.14051 -4.091264
SA48 8AU 6 0 52.142858 -4.090687
SA48 8AW 6 0 52.119878 -4.0839
SA48 8AX 11 0 52.142887 -4.09918
SA48 8AY 7 1 52.151739 -4.117591
SA48 8AZ 6 0 52.152307 -4.120001